6 essential Ark Survival Evolved tips you should know

One of the top survival video games, Ark: Survival Evolved by Wildcard Studios, has seen a spectacular rise in its fan base. 

It is estimated that the number of concurrent players on Steam has increased to an all-time high of 94.7k. And the game is currently played by approximately 14.7 million people around the world. 

If you are a frequent player and are struggling to keep up in the game, here are 6 important Ark Survival Evolved tips you should know.

6 Tips to Master Ark: Survival Evolved 

#1 Tame everything as much as possible

This is one of the most important tips, as creatures like dinosaurs will help you survive pretty much anywhere on this island.

So, you should aim to tame every dinosaur you come across. You are not going to make it very far in this game without the dinosaurs.

Your priority should be to tame the raptors and the Triceratops. These will help you tremendously with their amazing speeds and capabilities. They will also help you tackle other creatures that you might encounter, making them quite useful while being relatively simple to tame. 

For larger species of dinosaurs, you can use a variety of clever trap designs that make taming them way easier. These will help you with transporting or carrying other dinosaurs and simplify the process of resource collection.

The horse is another great animal to tame for its speed and agility, particularly for beginners. Horses will help you escape threats and even dominate or attack other animals. 

Another dinosaur that you should attempt to tame is the Lystrosaurus, which is known for its speed and quick learning skills. It is easy to tame this dinosaur, and it survives on berries or flowers. 

So, the bottom line is that you should tame most of the animals as you develop more advanced skills. 

#2 Utilize the farms in the best possible way

It is easy to overlook the significance of farms. But they are essential for acquiring the materials needed for new recipes. You can also look for dinosaur food on the farms.

There are multiple farm sizes available. But it is best to cultivate the seeds you need on large crop plots. Like any other piece of farmland, your plots will require irrigation and fertilization to grow the seeds you plant. 

When it comes to effective fertilization, your farm patches will benefit from your waste and that of your dinosaurs. Investing in Phiomia and dung beetles will yield results more quickly. Set the dung beetles free so they can collect Phiomia’s feces. Get them to scavenge waste and continuously produce fertilizer for you. 

#3 Make a greenhouse 

A greenhouse would be great if you are serious about building a farm for long-term survival in the game. The greenhouse will triple the rate at which plants mature without consuming a lot of fertilizer. 

Building a greenhouse is simple, but some materials, like the ones required for glass, will not be easily available in your inventory. So, you might have to source it from outside. 

#4 Get your hands on loot drops

Taking the time to discover loot drops is worth it, as you can find a lot of high-quality items spawned across the map.

As you advance to pro levels in the game, you will have access to more and more loot drops. But you must ensure that you frequently loot the drops to eventually build a super-upgraded equipment collection.

Where should I look for these drops? The deep oceans and caverns are far more perilous places to explore, and you should use extreme caution. But you can get premium-quality gear in these places.

The loot drops found here have improved firepower and flak protection. It is advisable to search every nook and cranny of the map to find some of the best loot drops. 

You can determine the quality of loot drops based on their color. Here’s a quick look at them, from the lowest ranking to the highest:

Level 3 unlocks white, level 15 unlocks green, level 25 unlocks blue, after 35 you can unlock purple, yellow unlocks at level 45, and so on.

#5 Focus on unlocking Engrams

Engrams are crucial for your continuous development and positive progress throughout the game. As you move up through the levels, you will be rewarded with Engram points. These can be used to enhance your weaponry, shelter, and other equipment.

You can also upgrade your crafting recipes with Engram points. You will need to set priorities while unlocking these Engrams. Focus on the ones to first augment your tools and weapons, as they will help you collect more material efficiently.

Unlocking the Stone Hatchet, Campfire and Spear is a good starting point. They will help you build a formidable base and support sustainable survival. 

#6 Build several beds

A well-rested sleep is crucial for survival in the game. To make your traveling easier, it is best to have a network of beds worldwide. The process of making beds in this game is faster and easier. If you die, unfortunately, you will return or respawn at your bed. 

So, building multiple beds is one of the best ways to avoid being born in a completely random location. Beds would be more convenient, and it is advisable to create as many as you can along your journey. 

Remember! You will lose all your possessions and loot if you fast-travel using a bed. 


Hope you found the article helpful. Do you have any tips that we can add to this list? Let us know in the comments below. 

Also, if you want to experiment further, here are some of the best Ark Survival Evolved cheats and hacks for you.

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